Christmas is a Coming

I've been trying to get into the Christmas spirit. Most of my shopping is covered. I tend to buy things throughout the year, partly to spread the cost and partly as a habit I got into from my days of working in retail when you end up working all hours in December and getting tired and stressed. I used to like to get it out of the way before consumer madness descended. I got my Christmas cards printed up this week. I did a little pencil sketch of some Christmas jumpers and used my local community printers Marc.

I've also been getting a bit of shopping in. My mum took me to the new mega Tesco on Salford Precinct last week and I got very excited by the world food isle. Maybe all big Tescos have these, I wouldn't know, there are none near to where I live. There were vegan friendly Oreos, albeit mini ones (great for cupcakes though) and tins of pumpkin on offer 2 for £3.

Tonight I got even more excited in Sainsburys. New Crisps for Christmas! Kettle Chips have brought out Seasalt, Rosemary and Garlic and Sainsburys have released Hoisin Duck and Baked Ham and Sticky Marmalade flavours. And yes they are all VEGAN!!! Aren't these just about the most exciting vegan crisp flavours ever? Also, spotted in Sainsburys were the Guinness flavour peanut and cashew nuts. There's no actual Guinness in them, they are made by Humdinger who when I contacted them assured me that they are suitable for vegans. Oh, and Sainsburys Free From Mince Pies which also happen to be gluten free are really lovely too. Tis the season to be snacking.


  1. Amazing! I'm particularly excited to hear about the Guinness crisps - particularly as they've got no Guinness in theml


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