Happy Blogaversery!

It's 3 years today that I started writing this blog! I'd just had a particularly miserable Valentine's Day, a long term relationship had just broken up and I wanted to do something for a distraction. Wow, such a lot has happened since then. I've changed jobs, gained a beautiful nephew and niece and am a year into a new relationship with someone who makes me wonderfully happy. There have been some low times too but the good outweighs the bad and makes me reflect on the importance of keeping positive and keeping going during the tough times and also being kind to yourself. 

So, be kind to yourself this Valentines Day whether you are single or with someone. In the many years that I've spent it single I always treated myself to something nice. Cake of course is always good. Pictured above is my veganised version of Nigella's Marzipan Fruit Cake with whisky subbed for rum. Mmmm, so good.


  1. Congratulations all round hon, how fabulous. No matter how dark things get, there is always a brighter episode coming your way, I know this myself. Well done on three years blogging! I must look how long I've been at it, I have no idea LOL. x

  2. Happy Valentine's Day - glad this one was so much brighter. And glad it had that terrific cake to go with it! Rum for whiskey is definitely the right way to go

  3. Congratulations on the blog! I only hope I can keep mine going that long. I've posted about the delicious vegan swap box you sent.

  4. I'm so happy for you! You seem so happy and content. That cake looks amazing. I always think, no matter how hard things seem, all it takes is a little time and everything just gets better. That and to remember that it could always be worse, so be gretful that it is not.
    I wish you could come to lunch with me. Maybe next time I'm in Manc. :)


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