
I had heard the news that Waitrose had started selling Speculoos spread. Sadly we do not have a Waitrose in Manchester. Well, we do but it is Little Waitrose and therefore never has any of the elusive accidentally vegan things that I want to get such as Dorset Cereals gingerbread porridge!

However, we do have plenty of the fantastic chain of discount stores known as B and M Bargains. B and M's regularly come up with the vegan goods and along with my other favourite Quality Save/ Home Bargains they are great for picking up goodies for the UK Vegan Food Swap. Well, it looks like B and M's get Waitrose's overstocks as the gingerbread porridge turned up a few months ago and this weekend in the Ashton Store I spotted the Speculoos spread in both the sweet and crunchy versions. Result!


  1. What is Speculos spread? Does it taste like the little coffee biscuits? Maria x

  2. Hi Maria, yes it's made by the same people who make the little individually wrapped biscuits you often get with coffee and tastes just like them.

  3. HomeBargains now has Mornflake Gingerbread porridge in stock (labelled as vegan on the box)

  4. I've had the smooth one from waitrose before. And at the weekend i randomly wandered into B+M bargain shop (I think they are all over the country - you never know if you might find a bargain so i go every 6 months just for a look) and i found a jar of the crunchy one for £1.49. Yum!

  5. I made the same Waitrose discovery too recently! I went to Holland not so long ago and bought a load back with me, then discovered I could get it over here anyway!

  6. Yay for Speculoos! I've heard so much good stuff about your awesome northern bargain stores!

  7. I bought my first jar of Specaloos yesterday (crunchy, of course) and have scoffed half the jar - spoon to face! SO GOOD!


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