Vegan MoFo 2013

Vegan Mofo starts tomorrow and I'm really excited to be taking part again! I'm going for a month long theme this year and here's a few clues. This part of Manchester played a big part in the Industrial Revolution. Marx and Engels visited here and their experiences fed into the Conditions of the Working Classes in England and later the Communist Manifesto. With it's old textile buildings and fire escapes the area often stands in for the East Village, New York amongst other places in films. When I visited the East Village for the first time I felt right at home! Hollywood films shot here include Captain America, Alfie and Sherlock Holmes. There's also a plethora of music venues, fashion wholesalers, galleries and independent shops and eateries. So, old mill buildings, a hotbed of creative activity, radical politics and sights like this vegan burger?.............. Yep, I'll be blogging for the whole of September about Manchester's Northern Qu...