Vegan Life magazine - Issue 2

Did you manage to get hold of a copy of the first issue of new magazine Vegan Life? We were inspired by the article on a vegan wine and cheese evening and took advantage of an offer that Marks and Spencer's had on for 25% off 6 or more bottles of wine. It brought the price of this lot down to a fiver a bottle and we enjoyed trying them. My favourite was the third from the left, the PX. This was a crisp Chilean white. PX which is short for Pedro Ximenez is a grape usually associated with Spain and amazing sticky, sweet almost treacle toffee flavoured sherry. It was interesting to try it in a different style. M and S do a great job of labeling their wines as vegan and seeing as there is an M and S food at the end of our road we've been enjoying trying the range.

Issue 2 of Vegan Life is out now. You can see a preview of it here. I read my copy cover to cover yesterday evening. It took me over 3 hours, there's so much in it. There's a really great range of features and definitely something for everyone. I was really impressed with the variety. As one of the bloggers featured on their website I get a free digital subscription but I did also buy a copy of the first issue from WH Smiths. It's such a nicely printed magazine on quality paper that we're going to take out a subscription to get copies posted to us. It works out better value than buying individual copies and there's currently a subscription offer where the first 200 people get a free Organii shower gel and liquid soap worth over a tenner.

Very excitingly there is an article in this issue of the magazine on Cake Liberation Front. We're hoping it will inspire lots of people to hold their own CLF events. There's posters and graphics on the website that can be used for free to help with this. Don't forget that the t-shirts we did recently with Philosophy Football are still available. These would make great Christmas presents and are really high quality shirts.They can be found in the dissenters section of their website.

One of the parts of the magazine that I immediately turn to is the recipe section. There's plenty of variety ranging from ideas for Christmas cooking to raw food treats. There's also several features with recipes from selected cookery books which is a great way to get a flavour of a book before buying. I also enjoyed the feature on carob. Carob has had a bit of a bad rap over the years but the secret is to not compare it to chocolate. It used to marketed as a chocolate alternative and it simply isn't. It is great in it's own right though. I often use it in smoothies and I have been known to put carob chips in cookies when I've been able to find them. It's packed with vitamins and I was pleased to find a new way to feature it in my diet. Below is my version of a recipe from the magazine for a spicy warming drink. There's fresh ginger, maple syrup, cinnamon, cardamon, soya milk and boiling water in there. I slightly misread the recipe and had a much higher ratio of soya milk to hot water than it said but I don't think I'd change it as it really worked for me. This was such a lovely indulgent, spicy, treacle flavoured drink, just perfect for a winter's evening. Has anyone got any other uses for carob?


  1. Oooh I need to grab a copy this week!

  2. I've still yet to find one, and I've had my eyes out - there must be loads of places in London that stock it, I just mustn't have passed one. that doesn't seem fair!


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