Fun with Quinoa Flakes

I thought I'd blog about a product that's new to me which I discovered this week. I've been making a big effort to shop locally recently and we're lucky to have both an independent greengrocers and a health food shop in our little town where I can get most of our weekly shop. I picked up these Quinoa flakes from the health food shop - Peak of Health the other day. I've never used them before and I admit that I had to Google for ideas of what to use them for.

Whilst I was in Peak of Health I also picked up this new flavour of Provamel yoghurt - orange redbush!

First up was a big smoothie made with banana, mixed berries, almond butter (I'm in love with Meridian Almond Butter), Orange Redbush yoghurt, Oatly, flax oil, maca and a quarter of a cup of the quinoa flakes. This was tasty and fuelled me for a good few hours.

The second breakfast I made was Coconut, Mango Porridge. I used half oats and half quinoa flakes which were cooked in a mix of water and tinned coconut milk. I topped these with chopped fresh mango, toasted flaked coconut and drizzled Sweet Freedom Dark over the top. Mmm, I'll definitely be making this again.

Has anyone else used Quinoa flakes? What do you use them for?


  1. I'll have to look out for that yoghurt flavour!

    I really like quinoa flakes but haven't seen any since we moved to London from Australia last year...I'll have to keep an eye out :-) I used them pretty much where I used oats but especially loved them in about a 1:3 ratio with flour in drop scones and pancakes.

    1. I would never have thought of scones or pancakes! Thanks Kari, great idea :)

  2. I've wandered past them in my local health food shop and thought 'hmmm, I wonder what you do with them'? so you're one step ahead of me! What happens if you just cook them on their own - what sort of texture do they have?

    1. I've not tried that yet though we did try them mixed with oats in overnight oats and weren't that keen. They tasted better in the porridge.


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