Weekly baking round up

There's been lots of baking going on in my house this week! After making 100 cakes for the LRM launch last Saturday I did a lot more baking for work. My lovely work colleagues donated money for baked goods and raised another $95 towards Hillary's Go Fund Me to get her rehoused and her cats back. If you've not donated yet and can spare a few quid to help a vegan blogger friend then please, please pop on over to the site and also please share it. She could do with one last boost to get to the target and the money will greatly help with getting her and the animals resettled.

The Golden Vanilla Cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World are always a winner and are a recipe that works really well to double up on to make a big batch.

The Chocolate, Orange, Walnut brownies are the same ones that I made when I won the Bake-Off competition at work last year. They are the vegan brownie recipe I've found that tastes most like a non-vegan brownie with a perfectly crunchy top and gooey middle. I had half a bag of walnuts left over from the brownies so I made the Maple, Walnut Cookies from Vegan With A Vengeance. I'd not made these for years and had forgotten how delicious they are and so quick to make too. Perfect if you like a chewy kind of cookie.

I work three days a week and my workplace allowed me to bring in stuff for each of those days last week. On the final day I made muffins. Pictured are my favourite muffins ever - the Mocha, Choc Chip muffins again from Vegan With A Vengeance. It might be one the first vegan cookery books I bought over ten years ago but I still use it loads. A true classic. I also made some Orange and Raisin muffins which were based on an Orange and Cranberry muffin recipe from the much missed Urban Vegan blog.

Heron Foods has had Jus Rol breakfast stuff in a tin a few times recently so we've been enjoying croissant and also these pan au chocolat. I love these and think I improved them even further by adding a bit of maple pecan butter to them before rolling and baking. Yum!

And finally I've been getting back into making stone baked pizza again recently. This is the Cowboy Pizza from Vegan Pizza. The sauce is BBQ instead of tomato and it's then topped with smoked Violife cheese, brocolli and some BBQ soy curls (or in my case I used Soja Schnetzel pieces).

If you read this blog regularly you know I am an avid bargain hunter especially when it comes to food. We had a store open in our town called Netto about a year ago. It was a brand that was around years back which Sainsburys recently bought the name of and opened 12 branches around England. It's along the lines of Aldi and Lidl but with not as much range. It's a bit out of town for us so we hadn't visited too much but we'd got some good things when we had. Sadly Sainsburys have decided to close all the stores. We were passing yesterday on the way back from my hospital appointment and we noticed that they were having an 80% off 'Everything Must Go' sale. There wasn't much left but we picked up a case of tomato pasta sauce (which I'll use for pizza) and a case of coconut milk (which I'll use for icecream making) for 20p per item. I worked out that we will be able to have a treat dinner once a week of pizza and icecream for 3 months for less than a fiver! Champagne lifestyle on a lemonade budget, that's us!


  1. Your #cakesforcats was a great idea & that pizza looks amazing! :)

  2. Thanks Julie. The pizza was tasty. I've used hoisin sauce before on a base (it's great with thinly sliced potato and red onion) but never BBQ. Will definitely use it again though.

  3. Cakes for cats was amazing! I am glad your co-workers got behind it. :)

    I have made that pizza recipe before and I love it. So tasty.

    1. They are a really good bunch and lots of people like baking. Someone is always bringing in stuff for donations. Wish I could have kept doing it every day as she is getting so close to the target and I imagine every dollar helps.

  4. You've been so amazing for Hillary - I'm so impressed, and I hope all vegan bloggers have friends as dedicated as you (and as good at baking!)

    1. The vegan blogging community have been amazing getting behind her Go Fund Me. Everything crossed she can quickly find an affordable place to stay.

  5. By the small gods this all looks amazing! Thank you for your beautiful card and the extra thoughts in postcard form, so kind of you to think of me, I know you have your own health worries *large hug give* Xxx

  6. That is great that you were able to sell some baked good to raise money for Hillary. I was thinking about doing the same until I remembered that my husband and I work in such small offices. I am LITERALLY the only employee (work at a frame shop) and my husband has a handful of people who probably are expecting free food, not fund raising food.

    That BBQ pizza looks good. I might try that. I made some BBQ sauce from tomatoes from my CSA last year, and I didn't boil it down enough. I think the sauce would be perfect for a thin pizza sauce.

    1. I'm lucky in that I work in the national office of a big organisation and there's a real culture of fundraising by sponsoring people for various activities and selling baked goods.


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