Christmas Gifts - Orange and Chilli Marmalade

I finally managed to find some small bottles for the Limoncello and Strawberry Gin. These are from Ebay and worked out at £1 each when the purchase price and postage were added together. The seller sells them for wedding favours so you can fill them with spirits and print your own labels.

I've been busy today making more Christmas presents. I baked a batch of the Gingerbread Biscotti from VCIYCJ. I love how easy they are and how they are good for presents as they keep for a month, not that they'll last that long! I also made my yearly batch of Orange and Chilli Marmalade. I've been making this for 20 years and it's a real favourite.

Orange and Chilli Marmalade


1 kg / 2lbs unwaxed oranges, thinly sliced
Juice and zest of 1 unwaxed lemon
1.5litres / 2 3/4 pints of water
6 whole red chillies
2 kg / 4 lb granulated sugar

To sterilise jars - Wash jars thoroughly and then place in a low oven at 110c/225f/Gas 1/4 for 20 minutes.

Place the oranges, lemon juice + zest and the water into a large saucepan and bring to the boil. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours adding the red chillies after 45 minutes. Place a saucer in the freezer to use when testing later.

Add the sugar and stir until dissolved. When the mixture comes to the boil turn up the heat and cook rapidly for 20 minutes or until setting point is reached. Test for setting point by putting a drop of mixture on a cold saucer and seeing if it crinkles when pushed.

When it's ready remove from the heat. Let it stand for 15 minutes and then ladle into sterilised jars.


  1. boy you've been busy! Those gifts all look amazing,I am so very impressed with your planning ability to get all that organised in time for Christmas!

  2. This Marmalade would be perfect for me to make next Christmas 'cos there are orange trees everywhere round here and I always have an abundance of chilies in the garden too! Great gift ideas. How long does it keep for? And I'm guessing you'd use it anywhere where you'd use pickle and chutney??

  3. There's so much sugar the marmalade keeps for ages. I've used jars that I've had for a year, not that it usually lasts that long! It's not like a chutney though. The chillis only give a mild flavour so it's used like a normal marmalade on bread or toast.


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