Happy 2nd Birthday!

Two years ago I was not having a good time in life. My personal life and work life were both in difficult places that did not get better for quite a long time.  I decided to try to do something with a positive focus for myself and took up blogging and two years today this little blog was born! In that time I've really enjoyed blogging, making new blog friends, taking part in Vegan MoFo and getting involved with setting up Cake Liberation Front and Vegan Drinks Manchester.

I don't know where this picture originally came from to credit it but let me know if you do! It made me laugh and is actually so not me. I once brought so many pinatas back from Mexico it's a wonder that I didn't get stopped for suspected smuggling, there's nothing like a good old bash with that pointy stick!

Edit: Looks like pic might be Cyanide and Happiness


  1. Haha, I laughed pretty hard at that...although it's so not me either. I smashed the shit outa some fish piñatas at my wedding a coupla years ago!

    Happy blog birthday! Yours is one of my faves!

  2. Happy blog birthday! I'm glad you're here and am better for having "met" you.

    I think the cartoon is an old one from The Oatmeal.

  3. Happy Belated Blog birthday wishes chuck, I've never thought to look when mine is, I guess I will now lol :)x


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