Vital Wheat Gluten - hmm, what to make?

Hurrah, I have a bag of Vital Wheat Gluten Flour from the fabulous VX. But what to make with it?

Last time I went to New York I brought back a small box of it and used it all up making the same thing which was the excellent Chickpea Cutlets from Veganomicon. I am determined to branch out and try something else but maybe not just a block of seitan. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm sure I've seen it in sausage recipes and things?


  1. Hey, the PPK have a great Italian sausage recipe on the blog! It's definitely worth trying :) Also the chickpea cutlets from Veganomicon are great too.

  2. Thanks Aoife, that sounds like just the sort of thing, will check it out!

  3. How great are those cutlets? I've made sausages and nuggets with it too. I think there are some good recipes on youtube if you type in "seitan". Let me know what you make. :) xx

  4. Jinx! I just bought a bag of this last week - I made spare ribs with it. Really, really good.

    This was the recipe:

  5. Thanks Joey, I have been looking at the ribs recipe in Vegan Diner which I got for Cheristmas and have so far failed to make anything from. I like Susan Vs recipes so this one you've linked to could be the one!


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