Cake Liberation!

It's been a busy weekend of baking related activity. I spent hours yesterday making loads of stuff for the Cake Liberation Front meet up today. I was worried that we might have a low turn out due to a couple of other events happening at the same time and it also being too nice to be indoors. I was also worried that due to the nice weather not many people would have baked as it's not compulsory. I needn't have worried as loads of people came down, loads baked and we even had stuff left for people to take home this time! Here's my contribution in the picture below of white chocolate, raspberry and almond cake (from Vegan Diner), Chocolate Chai cake (from Get it Ripe), Cheesy heart biscuits from this Chef Chloe recipe, Ginger and Macademia Nut cookies + Tahini and Lime cookies, both from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar.

And here's the full list of what people brought - White chocolate, raspberry and almond cake, chocolate brownies, chocolate and walnut biscuits, banana and fruit loaf, gluten free coconut cake, cheesy heart biscuits, rich dark carrot cake, tahini and lime cookies, chocolate and mixed fruit cupcakes, ginger and macademia nut cookies, gluten free lemon cupcakes, banana flapjacks, chocolate + rasin oaty balls, cherry lemon buns, choco donut holes, saffron mini muffins with tofutti cream cheese, chocolate chai cake, chocolate crinkle cookies, sausage rolls, potato and pea samosas, focaccia with garlic and pumpkin seeds

I also got given a present which was very welcome (see my last post on BBQs). I'm looking forward to using this. Let's hope I manage to get some BBQs in whilst we have a bit of nice weather!


  1. Wow, it sounds like people really go all out for the Cake Liberation Fest meet ups! I wish I lived closer!

  2. We Manchester vegans do love our cake!

  3. Props to whoever gave you the liquid smoke - that stuff is gorgeous.

    And double props on the cakes!

  4. Cake Liberation Front. :) It makes me sad that due to being a student in Manchester I can't bring a cake along as all my baking equipment stays at home due to a chronic shortage of space!!

    Not that it would be that edible, gluten free cake is still my biggest evil...I'm used to being able to whip up cake with my eyes shut it kind of brought me back down to Earth when I went gluten free. -_- lol

    If I'm allowed to bring biscuits instead I could bake those. lol

    1. Sarah, biscuits would be great! We've had people bring lots of things as well as cake - biscuits, breads, pizza, sushi, chocolate moose, trifle etc. It's also not compulsorary to bring stuff - it's £1 if you do or £2 if you don't.


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