
 Last weekend was a really busy one. Matt had a gig in Harrow on the Thursday evening then we spent Friday with friends in St Albans before hoping on the train early on Saturday morning. We shared it with hundreds of Stone Roses fans and the train buffet ran out of lager after 45 minutes! Made me feel old, I remember going to see them a couple of times around 85/86 before they were famous! Once back in Manchester it was time to host a party. One Sunday evening in January I had dinner with my friends Rachel and Marie and we were bemoaning the fact that our birthdays are in November and December so we never get to do things like birthday picnics or sitting in beer gardens. We decided that we would have a joint un-birthday party in the summer and as there is a nice communal garden at my flats we'd do drinks outside.

Of course being Manchester and despite it being June there was a torrential downpour and we ended up holding the whole thing inside! As the flats were built in the 1930s we went with that as a theme. Rachel sorted the crisps and the soundtrack with era appropriate music. Marie made her infamous Ginger Tiffin, known to those who have tried it as 'Vegan Crack' and also won the outfit of the night complete with amazing 1930s hairstyle.

I made a load of pates to go with the selection of breads and crackers. There was humous, kalamata olive and sundried tomato tapenade and sunflower seed pate all from the Candle Cafe cookery book which I always find go down really well at buffets. 

Sunday was most definitely a day for rest and recuperation. Most of it was spent lounging watching a box set of Any Human Heart. There was a short break for throwing together a quick Sunday dinner. Inspiration came from Vegan Diner and a bag of Vital Wheat Gluten picked up from VX in London.. It was a first time for making Seitan and wow I think I am hooked. We made the chicken style seitan roast and it was so easy and tasted great and there was lots left over to freeze and to use for sandwiches the next day. I also used some left over French Stick from the party to make the amazingly simple Chocolate Chip bread pudding from the book. Mmm, pure comfort food. I've been impressed with everything I've made from Vegan Dinner and am looking forward to trying more.


  1. A weekend with Stone Roses and a Sunday roast? That's got to be pretty hard to beat.

    I'm also a newcome to the world of seitan, also courtesy of Vx and vegan diner - I've got my eye on the smokey seitan roast next!

    All other Vegan Diner recommendations gratefully received!

  2. Seitan is real

  3. I've been meaning to make the chicken style roast since I got Vegan Diner, maybe next Sunday!


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