Road Trip Picnic

My friends Helen and Debbie live in Hackney. They decided to escape the Olympics and go on a bit of a road trip. They stopped off in Manchester for a few nights en route to the Lake District to go and stay in one of these amazing looking pods! I managed to get yesterday off work and we nipped over to Liverpool to the Tate to see the Turner, Monet and Twombley exhibition. Then we went just a few miles further for a picnic.

Yum, bagels slathered with humous, rocket, tomatoes, olives, kettle chips, vegetable chips, olives, giant crunchy corn, fresh coconut and a little lemon cupcake. We bought extra cake from Meat Free Monday the night before and it was an excuse to get the special cake holders out! Can you guess where we went?

It was my first visit to see the Anthony Gormley installation Another Place. As it was such a nice day it was quite hard to spot some of the figures in the water as there was so many people in there with them! I'm looking forward to going back in the winter to see how the piece is changed by a deserted beach. I couldn't resist the doing the tourist thing and giving Mr. 88 a good stroke on the head. Someone has drawn a beard and sideburns on him. He reminded me a bit of Ming the Merciless!

Here's a little film showing more of the work.


  1. Has the weather up there been as lovely as it has been down in London this week? Perfect picnic weather! I have a vague obsession with Holland and Barrett vegan pork pies, because we always used to have them (the non-vegan versions) when I was a kid. It's not a picnic without it for me! If only I could work out how to veganise scotch eggs, I'd be laughing!

    Love the cupcake in its own holder!

  2. The weather has been great the last few days. Was great to get out of the office for a day! And thanks for the reminder of those pork pies - we tried one from the H+B when we were in Scarborough and liked it a lot. I'd completely forgotten about them since!

  3. I love a good picnic & I'm so excited that England's finally seen some sun. I've been spending every spare minute at the beach & it's been lovely.


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