Vegan Organic Network

Do you know about the Vegan Organic Network? The group are based in Manchester but are a well established national group who have a presence at vegan events and fairs all round the country. They aim to promote a system of cultivation that avoids artificial chemicals and sprays, livestock manures and animal remains from slaughter houses. Instead they advocate maintaining fertility by vegetable compost, green manures, crop rotation, mulches and any other method that is sustainable, ecologically viable and not dependent on animal exploitation. It's really interesting stuff. I've never lived anywhere where I've had garden space to grow food but I'm hoping that will change when I move and VON will be a great resource to learn how to do this in a vegan friendly way. I was really pleased when the group approached Cake Liberation Front about doing something for their annual fundraising garden party.

It was a fun, sunny afternoon with stalls, entertainment, crafts and of course lots of delicious vegan food. I went home with bags of yellow cherry tomatoes from a vegan organic farm as well as big bunches of fresh spinach and kale which kept me in delicious green smoothies for the following week. Our little stall raised a respectable £85 adding to the grand total which came in at over £1,000. Matt also won a great sea Shepherd tshirt in the raffle. Look out for VON appearing at an event near you and check out their website.


  1. It's not a group I've heard of, but it's an interesting subject - I've had conversations before with people about manure from animals and what it means for vegan food. And ditto on the garden - I'd love a little bit of growing room one day, maybe!

  2. You look so cute! Love that picture. :) xx


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