Manchester Vegan Fair

This weekend I ran a stall at the Manchester Vegan Fair. The stall was for Cake Liberation Front, a social group that I set up with some friends.

The aim of Cake Liberation Front is to promote vegan baking and smash the stereotypes of dry fruit cake or soggy banana bread. We meet up every few months in Manchester and people bring some amazing cakes and baked goods, such as these peanut butter and bacon cupcakes made by Sophie who writes the Hasta La Vegan blog. I've had a coconut bacon recipe bookmarked for a while now and after trying these I will definitely be making it!

The stall was really just to let people know about CLF and maybe encourage people from outside Manchester to set up their own group. There's graphics and posters that are downloadable from the website that people are welcome to use. We gave away free samples of a vegan Chocolate stout and Cranberry Tea Bread, my own recipe from the cake liberation front recipe blog. I'm pleased to say that loads of people came to talk to us, try some samples and sign the mailing list. 

The vegan fair was great. There were animal charities, book stalls, activists, and a lot of food stalls.

V Revolution were doing pulled pork n coleslaw and mac n cheese along with some of their delicious sandwiches including a smoked salmon and cream cheese with dill that was really good. Matt tried a burger from Teatime Collective which he raved about. We also tried chocolate doughnuts and giant custard cremes from My Cupcakes, a Nottingham bakery which makes beautiful cakes - all vegan and gluten free.

It was a great day, and vegan fairs are always a fun way to meet people and try new food. 


  1. Thank you for the mention, I had an lovely time and it was great to finally meet you. Just posting the recipe for those cupcakes now :)

  2. Anything that encourages people to come together and eat vegan cake can only be a good thing. I really love the sound of stout bread - I need to get on that recipe!

  3. Sounds like a delicious and amazing day.
    CLF is suc a great idea.

  4. Oooh I wish we could have been there, but we couldn't make it. Keep up the good work ! x


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