My Space

We've been in our house for a year and a half and we've had to do a lot of redecorating after an extensive rewire when we moved in. We are nearing the end with just the living room left to do and I thought I'd show you what our spare room looks like after decorating it. I loved reading everyone's Kitchen Tours during Mofo so I thought it would be fun to see where people's blogging spaces are as well as their cooking spaces. This room is at the back of the house and overlooks the yard and those of our neighbours. It's a cosy little room and gets some nice light on a sunny day. I decided on a blue palette for this room but keeping with warmer tones of blue although that might not be clear form my bad iPhone pics! The photo of the door below gives the best colour match.

The first thing I did was get rid of the double bed that we had in here as it took up most of the space in the room. We donated that to our local furniture project and replaced it with a sofa bed. I spent a long time researching sofa beds before choosing one. We often have people to stay, either friends or musicians for gigs Matt is promoting so I wanted the bed to be a decent standard but I also wanted it to work well as a sofa so that this room will be somewhere I can chill out with a book and a brew. A lot of sofa beds don't seem to be built for everyday use so I went to a specialist company called Furl. This is great and so easy to pull out. It even a proper sprung mattress and some built in storage for bedding. The cushions are made from fabric by Scion and I got from eBay. I love the 1980's vibe of this pattern.

When Matt left a job a couple of years ago his leaving present was a load of vouchers to spend a Manchester Craft and Design Centre. He used them to buy two pictures of local Derbyshire landscapes from Northern Scapes and we've hung them in this room.

This print I bought a few years back through the Own Art scheme. Basically this is an interest free loan which lets you pay for an artwork in monthly instalments. I had this in my old place and chose the blue mount which I think started my love of this shade.

A couple of years ago we went to the degree show at Manchester Metropolitan University and saw some amazing lightshades made from wood. They've always stuck in my mind and I was pleased to find this shade in a similar vein on eBay.

Holmfirth is a town not too far from us that is famous for the television show The Last of the Summer Wine. I tend to go there in the Summer when there is a bus that runs just on weekends between Easter and September. It is an absolutely stunning journey over the hills. Once there it's a nice little town with plenty of charity shops and independent shops. My favourite is Fair Trader which sells food, clothes, house stuff and children's toys. I picked up this blue ceramic hook there on my last visit and a bag with craft projects hangs from it.

And finally here's my little desk. The chair is one of a pair that were eBay finds and the desk is an old teacher's desk that Matt's dad restored.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour. What's your little blogging corner like?


  1. Oh this is such a neat idea; I'll have to do one soon! I absolutely love your desk! :D

  2. That looks so cosy! My blogging space is the living room haha, my house is too small!

    PS - I totally thought this would be a blog about the social media!

  3. I love a good peek into other people's living rooms - I always get some ideas for cool stuff. I love the print and the cushions up there in particular!

  4. What a lovely room! My work space is on a table in the sunroom, and it is not very photogenic. It is surrounded by piles of articles and drafts and paperwork for my PhD! I can't wait to one day finish my PhD and be able to chuck them all in the recycling bin!

  5. I love seeing other peoples homes, kitchen tours are my fave' during MoFo, and reading this has made me excited about the idea of decorating my own home again one day. I think I'd do it very differently now that I did when I was 24! My blogging space is usually in bed wherever I am in the world.

  6. For some reason, I love that you have a globe on your desk! I spend most of my time daydreaming about travelling, so that would be perfect. I usually blog at my kitchen table, with a cup of tea for company.

    1. I love globes and I've had this one a long time. It has a bulb inside so it doubles as a desklamp too.


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