Sweet Dreams are Made of These .....

January 8 was Elvis's birthday. Because I live with an Elvis obsessive who now since Christmas has a grand total of 106 biographies of the man, this of course had to be marked in some way.

The collection is gradually taking over our attic room!

To mark the occasion we watched an Elvis film, That's The Way It Is, a documentary about the Vegas years and chowed down on some Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Banana Pie.

I used this recipe from the One Green Planet blog and was impressed with how straightforward it was to make compared to some of the other recipes that came up in my google search!

In other sweet treat news my package from Sugar and Crumbs arrived on the same day as I made the Elvis pie. Sugar and Crumbs make an amazing range of flavoured cocoa powders and icing sugars as well as selling sprinkles and all sorts of baking stuff. Their products are vegan and gluten free.They were kind enough to slip in a free sample bag of banana split icing sugar too!

They also have a SALE on at the moment so if you need some Cherry Bakewell or Salted Caramel icing sugar you know where to go!


  1. There are 106 biographies about Elvis? The things you learn!
    Still, an excellent reason to eat pie. :)

  2. If an excuse were needed to eat that fab looking pie, then Elvis' birthday seems a good one! I'm now off to browse Sugar and Crumbs!

  3. I know!!! I think everyone who ever met him has written a book about him ;)

  4. Wow, my husband is an Elvis fan but not obsessive. I want a slice of your pie. Had I known, I would have made my Elvis Bagel http://allotment2kitchen.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/the-best-elvis-bagel.html OR Elvis Smoothie http://allotment2kitchen.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/green-valley-elvis-smoothie.html

    Im off to check the pie recipe!

    1. Mmm, they both look great and I like your idea of baking the bagel.


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