Baked Berry Oatmeal

I know it's mid May and I don't know about anyone else but I am still in my winter coat! I do have rubbish circulation and feel the cold more than most people and a lot of the time I'm still wearing gloves too. I've been trying some new things with food recently. I bought a nut mylk bag and have been making green juices in my blender then straining them through the bag. It's actually really satisfying to do and easy to clean up unlike a juicer. I've been having lots of green smoothies for breakfast too. My favourite combo is banana, pineapple, powdered organic wheatgrass, a tablespoon of chia seeds, a teaspoon of almond butter and plant milk. They are so good and keep me full all morning. However, there are some mornings when I just need a hot breakfast.

Enter baked oatmeal. I got into baked oatmeal after borrowing the Deliciously Ella books from the library. I would go so far as to say they were my favourite recipes from them and I've continued to make them on days when I have a bit more time. I like to try different combinations and serve them with a blob of non-dairy yoghurt and a drizzle of agave or Sweet Freedom.

I thought I would share my latest combo. This is a recipe for 1 serving. You can add all kinds of fruit and nuts though. Let me know in the comments any good combos you can think of.

Baked Berry Oatmeal

1/2 cup of oats
1/2 cup of plant milk
1/4 cup of berries
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
2 dates chopped up
1 teaspoon of nut butter
Dessert spoon of sweetner - eg. agave or maple syrup or Sweet Freedom (you could also chop in some banana instead)
Non- dairy yoghurt and sweetener of choice to serve

Pre-heat the oven to 200c/ 400f / Gas 6

Grease your baking dish with a little coconut oil or margarine

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let them stand whilst the oven pre-heats.

Bake for 20 minutes whilst you grab a shower and make coffee.



  1. This sounds delicious, kind of like a dessert! I don't eat oatmeal very often as i prefer savory but I do need to try baked oatmeal it sounds too good.
    I've seen several people on YouTube use frozen mango in their oatmeal which sounds pretty interesting. Mango and coconut milk sounds good to me!

    1. That sounds an amazing combo. I love mango and coconut. I've used dried mango a lot in overnight oats and it's brilliant as it re-hydrates as it soaks. I will definitely have to try a baked version.

  2. I have terrible circulation too but also get hot in my body so I'm having a weird combo of t shirts and gloves at the moment!

    This looks delicious! I like baked oatmeal but I'm always too lazy to make it haha. It's a lovely cozy meal though!

    1. It's definitely a weekend breakfast but I love how once it's prepared you can go off and get dressed. My body temperature is all over the place. I have a hot water bottle and poncho at work as people like to have the windows open. I'm thinking of getting fingerless gloves for typing too. It's the morning that's bad by afternoon I'm usually ok.

  3. I love oats for breakfast, though I haven't made baked oatmeal yet. It sounds pretty great though!

    What do you do with the pulp you end up with after straining your green juices?

    1. There's surprising little of it. I've been composting it.

  4. I'm so confused by the weather at the moment - I end up taking my winter coat and my sunglasses in most days just so I'm covered. I'm ready for the better weather, but if the colder side of things mean more baked oatmeal like this one, I'm all for it!

    1. haha, yes It's definitely still winter coat and sunglasses weather!


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