Busy weekend
A very busy week with People's Kitchen film night in Hulme and an Oddbins wine tasting followed by a very busy weekend. Friday night was a peated whisky tutored tasting by the Whisky Lounge at the Briton's Protection. We got to sample whisky from Wales, Japan, India, Ireland and of course Scotland.
Saturday I was up early and headed to Earth Cafe to see if there was anyone from Manchester Vegan Society who needed help to get over to Chorlton in Manchester for the Big Green Festival. We did a cupcake stall last year and I was disappointed that no one else had done one this year. Had a fantastic hotdog though from the guys who have the stand outside the Unicorn on a Saturday. Lots of stalls, alternative therapies, bands and even a scarecrow competition.
I spent the evening with my sister watching films and eating delicious barbecued baked tofu. It was nice to spend some relaxing time together. We work in the same office but things are currently so busy we can go days without having a proper conversation!
Sunday we went to see Alice in Wonderland which was fun. I even managed to get a spot of baking in - another of the Babycakes banana chocolate chip loaves and these maple flax cookies from Get it Ripe which are incredibly simple and quick to make.

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