Vegan Treats

This hasn't been the easiest of years so far and I've been tucking into comfort foods more than usual! Last week I ordered a box of treats from Veganstore. A couple of things were disappointing - the amaretti biscuits were nothing like their non-vegan equivalents in taste or texture and the almond butter cups whilst ok didn't taste like the Reece's version.

However, the rest of the box was fantastic. Whilst they will never win any graphic design prizes for their packaging these bars from Go Max Go are outstanding. Made with rice milk chocolate they are delicious versions of Mars, Milky Way, Snickers and Bounty. In fact the Mahalo is probably my favourite and I've never liked Bountys!

I've tried a few different makes of gelatine free marshmallows now and I even got a make your own kit for Christmas which I've not been brave enough to try out yet - it involves very hot temperatures, thermometers and lots of whisking! The best brand by miles are these handmade ones by Sweet Vegan. They taste great, melt in hot chocolate and work in cooking - I've made rocky road brownies with them in the past. I bought the mini ones this time as the large ones were a bit sticky to cut up.

Right I'm off to pop some in a lovely mug of Spanish thick hot chocolate before bed.


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