Can You Guess What It Is Yet?

We've recently acquired one of these. It belonged to Matt's nana who inherited it off a lady she used to go and visit. She'd always admired it and it was left to her. After Matt's nana passed away it was in storage but has recently come to live with us. I've looked these up online and I reckon it's made of mahogany and dated around 1905. I'll give you a clue - Matt's nana was known for her baking.

It's a fabulous 3 tier cake stand with an ingenious mechanism which lets it go flat for storage. I first saw one of these a couple of years ago and even blogged about  it here!

I absolutely love it and will make sure it is well used but well looked after.


  1. Replies
    1. Type 'antique wooden cake stand' into eBay. I was surprised how many came up! I had to stop myself buying another ;)

  2. Cor blimey, that's lovely, and perfect for you too!

  3. How cool is that! I love the fact that it can be 'tidied away' flat too. Its on my wish list roll on my birthday.......

  4. That's so beautiful! I'd feel duty bound to go and make three big cakes straight away!


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