Heron Foods

Glossop is pretty good for shopping. We've a Co-Op, M and S Food, Aldi and a 24 hour Tesco as well as loads of great independent shops and a market too. I do miss my favourite bargain shops though and if I ever see a Home Bargains or B and M Bargains anywhere I have to pop in. I recently saw a few posts on the Facebook page - Vegan Special Offers UK, that mentioned things like tofu and oat milk popping up at bargain prices at somewhere called Heron Foods. And guess what? Yep, we have a Heron Foods too!

Just before Christmas I discovered that they had some Omega 3 non-dairy milk. I tried this at Vegfest in London in September but this was the first time I'd seen it on sale anywhere. At 3 cartons for £1 I stocked up. Whilst it hasn't replaced soya milk in tea or coffee I have been loving it for the last month in smoothies and overnight oats and I'll be sad when my stash has gone.

I discovered this earlier this week. Vegan friendly sunflower margarine for 80p. It's made in Ireland which may be why I've not seen it before. Like most sunflower margarine it's pretty neutral tasting and I reckon it will work well in baking. They also have some great garlic bread baguettes (2 for 75p) and on one occasion I even found the legendary Mr Kipling Treacle Tart for 65p! I'd seen this mentioned by vegans online but despite looking every time I saw a Mr Kipling display I'd never seen it anywhere before or since! Have you found any accidentally vegan food in surprising places or have you have any favourite bargain shops where you live?


  1. I love bargain shops, they're the best for accidentally vegan finds! I'll be looking out for Heron Foods!

  2. I'm googling Heron Foods right now to see where my nearest is!

    1. Its not too far away! 21 miles, I might have to take a drive out that way next weekend :o)

  3. Sadly, no Heron Foods near here, of course. Fingers crossed they edge nearer the capital before too long. I'm also amazed to find out about the Mr Kipling treacle tart (I love treacle tart!) - I didn't know what was one of those amazing secret vegan things, like the Co-op donuts. My mission for this weekend is to seek some of that good stuff out.


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