We All Scream For Icecream!

There's been quite a lot of excitement recently with new brands of vegan ice cream appearing in the shops. They're not always that easy to find though and I've got no chance of getting something home from Manchester to Glossop without it melting. So, when I saw this book for £2 in The Works the other week I snapped it up. I was drawn to it as Ginger's Comfort Emporium is a local Manchester based company and I've sampled one of their delicious sorbet pops at a street fair. There are actually a few vegan recipes in the book but there are also plenty that can be veganised by subbing coconut milk.

I couldn't wait to get started and as soon I got home I veganised this Salted Caramel Peanut Butter icecream. I don't have an icecream maker but this worked fine without one. You make the mixture in a pan then after it's cooled put it in the freezer taking it out every half hour to give it a stir (do this about four times and then leave it overnight).

We had it to celebrate what would have been Elvis's 80th birthday along with peanut butter blondies from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. It's a super easy recipe and is online here on the Post Punk Kitchen website. I topped the blondies with these Maple Bacon Flavour mixed nuts we found in Tesco for £1.

I don't know if I'll ever buy shop bought ice cream again! I think I'm hooked and searching around on the internet the next week I came across this recipe for Vegan Chocolate Stout Icecream. I omitted the coconut but I bet it would taste great with it. Beermoth, a specialist beer shop in Manchester's Northern Quarter supplied the vegan friendly stout. It's Fade To Black from the Lefthand Brewing Co.

If you like chocolate and you're a stout fan you really must try this. It has amazing flavours. Seriously, I couldn't stop thinking about it at work and couldn't wait to get home!

We had it again with some of the blondies I'd frozen and also in cornets. Each of the icecream recipes made 6 servings so were perfect for treats over the weekend. The only problem I have now is deciding which flavour to have a go at next. Any suggestions?


  1. I've had to stop buying shop bought vegan ice cream as I can munch my way through a container far to quickly! Luckily I have a vitamix which makes ice cream (by adding ice cubes or frozen ingredients) so I definitely need to get creating. What about a vegetable ice ream? That would be different and very colourful :o)

    1. We've got a vitamix too but have never tried icecream. Should really give it a go. Veg icecream sounds good. I remember Sophie on Hasta La Vegan blog making a sweetcorn one once that looked ace!

  2. I need to try that Left Hand beer! I was a big fan of their Milk Stout, but very clearly it isn't vegan, so I don't drink it anymore.

    I second Jasmine that a Vitamix makes great "ice cream" and "sorbets." Sometimes I just take frozen fruit with a liquid and just blend them together. The trick is that you have pretty much one shot- if you stop the blender midway it creates a pocket of air, causing the blending the stop.

    1. Ah, thanks for that tip! Will have to give this a go. I'm really into frozen cherries with chocolate a the moment in smoothies so Might try those first.

    2. Oooh chocolate cherry ice cream sounds amazing you should definitely give it a go! I want some now ;o)

  3. Stout ice cream? I approve wholeheartedly. I've made a cake with stout before and enjoyed that, so I'm pleased to see the beer plus dessert theme can be extended further!

  4. Salted caramel Peanut Butter ice cream?!! That's it, I'm moving in with you! I love the sound of those nuts too, yum!


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