Breakfast Cocktails!

Well, not really, not alcoholic ones anyway! For around 4 years I had a smoothie every day for my breakfast in the week. Sometimes at the weekends I had porridge or toast or cereal but in the week without fail I had a smoothie and then I stopped. I'm not sure exactly why or when. I got a bit lazy and didn't want to spend the couple of minutes washing out the blender and to be honest with the price of food going up so much changing to cereal made a bit of a saving in my weekly food bills.

I've been really lacking in energy though recently so I've decided to try them again. This is one of my favourites based on a recipe from Get It Ripe. It's a banana blended with carob powder, maca, cinnamon, ground flax seeds, ground hemp seeds, maple syrup and soya milk. It's delicious and it may have been psychological but my energy levels definitely felt improved as a result. What smoothie combinations do you like?


  1. Yum! That sounds delicious! I'm definitely a fan of banana in a smoothies, that's for sure. Great photo, too. :)

  2. Yum! That sounds delicious! I'm definitely a fan of banana in a smoothies, that's for sure. Great photo, too. :)

  3. That sounds amazing! I'm a raw juice fan in the mornings, apples, carrots, celery, cucumber and ginger. That definitely puts a zing in your step before you leave the house! xx


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