This weekend's Guardian Recipe

This fabulous looking apple pie is the image that accompanied yesterday's Guardian recipe for Sherried Apple Tart. Mmm, sherry, apples and almonds what a great combination.

I left a comment on the website for Dan Lepard thanking him for doing this series and asking if he'd take a look at the CLF site if he got a minute. He did and replied with 'CakeLibFront, checked it, and the recipes for dairy+egg free bakinglook really good'.
I get so excited seeing vegan stuff creeping into the mainstream media. I also came across this clip yesterday on You Tube. It's a 10 minute condensed film of the final of the USA's Cupcake Wars tv show. 4 finalists, 1 of whom is vegan compete to win $10,000. Check it out and see who wins!


  1. I saw this recipe too, it looks delicious! How lovely that you got Dan to check out the CLF site. It's so good when vegan stuff gets into mainstream media in such a positive way. Maybe one day there wil be a mainstream vegan cooking show! x


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