New habits

So, I'm still signed off work and waiting to see a neurologist Some days I feel almost normal, others I'm so tired you would think I'd been out all night clubbing not that I'd just had 10 hours sleep! I started thinking about juices as something that might help. Only problem was that I freecycled my juicer a few months ago! It worked but I'd not used it for ages and it was one of the things that went in an effort to maximise space in my tiny kitchen. I bought it in the early 90's from an advert in the Radio Times! I'd started going to Dublin and to one of the first juice bars, Juice on South Great Georges Street and fell in love with juices and found them very restorative after late nights!

To my delight I found a much more efficient juicer for a tenner in a charity shop last week and some nice vintage glasses for my collection too. So, whilst I have all this time on my hands I'm going to try to get into the habit of juicing. My sister has lent me some juice books for inspiration but I kicked off with my old favourite of carrot, apple, celery and ginger, yum!


  1. So sorry to hear you've not been well, you poor thing! :( Sending good thoughts your way xx

  2. Sounds exhausting! Hope you're feeling better!


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