Roll up, roll up

I love sushi but haven't had any for ages. This post by How Not To Be A Skinny Vegan inspired me to get my bamboo mat out again. If you've never made sushi before I can assure you that it is easy to make these nori rolls. It takes a bit of time to prepare the rice but you can go off and do other things whilst it's soaking, steaming, then resting. I went for a simple of filling this time of radish and avocado. My favourite filling is the sweet potato one from Post Punk Kitchen. There's lots of video around to show you how to make sushi including the original first episode of the PPK where Isa and Terri make sushi and cupcakes.

I like to make double the amount so there's enough for lunch the next day to take to work with my chopsticks in their little box!


  1. I really want to make vegan sushi as I've never had sushi of any kind, ever! This looks so delicious!


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