
Just realised when downloading these photos that I've managed to pack in a fair few so called 'superfoods' this week. I ate this for a couple of meals - qunioa with roasted onion, butternut squash, sweet potato, red pepper and courgette with alfalfa sprouts and green leaves and olives drizzled with a little flax oil. Served with a blob of red pepper humous on the side. I really enjoyed this.

More oats in a jar for breakfast, this time with chia seeds. I used this recipe from the blog Oh She Glows and it was great, really filling and kept me going all morning. Served with a shot of matcha tea. I found this kilner jar at the same time that I found the spiraliser when I cleared out the cupboard of doom the other week and it is perfect for overnight oats.

This is one of my favourite smoothie combinations - banana, peach, blueberries, spoonful of almond butter, flax and soya milk.

On Friday we had an away day at work to go to the Tatton Biennial. It was a fab day - great weather, cool outdoor art and a picnic for lunch. I made a sweet potato salad as my contribution to the picnic from this recipe on Vegan Village and it went down very well. For tea on Friday evening there was a bit left so I served this with oven roasted corn, salad and a Chilean style hot dog. I lived in Chile for a short time in the late 90's and I'd forgotten how delicious the addition of 'palta' is to burgers and sausages. Basically it's just avocado mashed with salt and pepper which I used as a topping with some red onion. It is soooo good, you should definitely give it a go.

Finally here's a pic of my favourite art piece that we saw at Tatton. It's called the Pont de Singe (Monkey Bridge) and is by Olivier Grossetete.


  1. Not like you to be keen on Monkeys. :P The food looks fantastic, yet again, I shall have to try some of your creations, you are doing a splendid job at eating well! x


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