Vegan Food Swap

After Jojo blogged about it over at Vegan in Brighton I signed up to take part in the monthly UK vegan food swap. It's a great idea that is organised by Too Happy Vegans. I got to send a parcel to Christina over at Paperbag blog. Here's a peak at the parcel I sent her. In turn I received a great parcel from Mel at Toxic Vegan blog. I've enjoyed all the lovely goodies and was really impressed with the two gluten free chocolate treats that were included which I haven't seen before - a Happy Kitchen brownie and the Lazy Day Foods Dark Belgium chocolate tiffin.

There's still time to sign up to start participating from September onwards. Make sure you sign up here before the 5th September. Who knows we may get to food swap!


  1. Yay, I'm glad you signed up! I've never seen those mini Oreos before, are there finally vegan Oreo's in the UK?! I <3 those Happy Kitchen brownies too, the raspberry one is my favourite.

  2. Mel had just come back from a holiday so I think she probably got the Oreos in the States. Wish we could get them here! Much as I like Bourbons they're notsquire as good.

  3. I was paired up with Mel in the first swap - she's an awesome swapping partner! I absolutely loved the parcel that you sent me <3


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