A Simple Lunch

These days I nearly always take a packed lunch to work and eat it sitting at my desk. Yesterday I went out for lunch for a change. I'd eaten half of the sandwich before I remembered to take the picture! I was impressed with this toasted foccacia bread with vegan mozarella, spinach and sweet potato served with wedges and a salad garnish. They also made a great soya latte. The venue was Simple Bar in the Northern Quarter, an area of Manchester which caters well for vegans. They also offer another vegan sandwich, a breakfast and a Sunday lunch.


  1. Finding somewhere with the word 'vegan' on the menu is always the sign of a good day! What was the vegan mozzerella like? Am always a little shy when it comes to cheese substitutes...

  2. I'm not a big fake cheese fan but this worked in the sandwich. Would definitely order it again.

  3. I have to go to this place. Yum. Yet again.


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