Macmillan Bakesale

On the eve of Vegan MoFo 2012, it's been a weekend of baking for a Manchester Vegan Society Bakesale. My contribution was Macaroons filled with chocolate ganache (recipe from Vegan Boulangerie), Lemon Poppyseed Tealoaf, Chocolate Chip Bananabread and Gingersnap Cookies all gluten free and from the Babycakes cookbook and Peanut Butter Blondies from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar.

We certainly put on a good spread. I loved Tam's Madelaines on the bottom of the cakestand on the left of the pictures. She uses the same moulds to make Dalek cakes for her kids complete with an Aldi chocolate matchstick for the plunger - genius idea!

Manchester based Barrow Boys very kindly sent samples of their new range of vegan and kosher crisps. Yes, that is vegan cheese and onion on the left! I tried them all and they are great.

The weather was terrible but when does that ever keep vegans from their cake and brews. The final total was an amazing £235!

Right I'm off to get my first MoFo baking out of the oven. I've come up with themes for the different weeks. There will be a week of sweetie making (my sugar thermometer has just arrived), a week of mash recipes featuring some guest posts from Matt the 'King of Mash' and a week of beauty treatments made from food. Week one though involves my work colleagues who have selected flavour combinations from the Magic Muffin Generator.


  1. Really looking forward to MoFo - particularly tickled by the week of mash recipes! Any sneak previews?!

    And yes, even hell and high water wouldn't keep me from a slab of cake and a brew, especially if it was with those macaroons!

  2. The jury is still out as to the exact form the mashes will take. Think they will be in the second week though. Not sure if these were anything like non vegan macaroons as I've never had them but they were really nice and easy to make. The main ingredient is marzipan and they reminded me of amarretto biscuits!

  3. Your bake sale looks so good, it's been ages since I've been to one!


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