Comfort Food

It's been a bit of a rubbish week. I finished last Friday for a week's holiday but woke up on Saturday morning with a throat infection. I managed to try and suppress it with large amounts of vitamin C and paracetamol until Tuesday when I had a hospital procedure booked in. I still felt pretty exhausted though and spent the weekend on the sofa. Luckily there were some nice comfort foods and snacks to cheer me up. This semi healthy snack tray has Inspiral Kale chips, olives + sundried tomatoes and supermarket own brand vegan friendly Frazzles type crisps.

These Dutch Stroopwafel biscuits are filled with caramel. The traditional way to eat them is to warm them up by placing them over a freshly made hot drink for a few minutes to soften the filling. It's unusual to find ones that are vegan friendly so I when I saw these in The Eighth Day and they were on offer I snapped them up.

 I have had a cough for around 8 years which started gradually but has become really chronic recently and especially bad when I try to eat. Doctors think it is linked to acid reflux but I've tried 3 medications now with no effect so I got sent for an endoscopy. It showed that I have a hiatus hernia and I've got to go back in soon for some more exploratory procedures. Not pleasant but hopefully it will get to the bottom of what is wrong as it's been making me really miserable.

After the hospital visit the cold came out in full force and it's been a yucky couple of days. I'm feeling a lot better this evening though so hopefully I'll be able to get out of the house and do something tomorrow on my last day off. One nice thing this week is that I have managed to watch the whole of the first series of Boardwalk Empire on DVD  whilst enjoying some comforting meals like the Superfood Porridge above sprinkled with goji and blueberries. Matt made me this mega roast dinner too with home made nut roast, roast parsnips, carrots, broccoli and the most amazing roast potatoes.

I'm still trying to eat lots of salads too. Sweetcorn roasted in the oven is one of my favourite things at the moment. Here it accompanied by green beans in vinagrette, chargrilled artichoke, olives stuffed with almonds, home made potato salad and a green salad with smoked tofu.

I noticed on Facebook before that the form is up for this years Vegan MoFo. Wow, it doesn't seem like a year since the last one! I've signed up to participate for the third year running. Is anyone else going to do it?


  1. I think I'll try and do vegan mofo it inspires me to actually cook something original lol

    Sorry about your cough issue. Sounds awful. At least once a year I get a chronic cough for at least 3 months. No idea why but I understand how annoying it.

  2. Yuch I'm sorry you've been sick, that's the worst. It looks like you've been managing to eat some great stuff though, the roast looks especially awesome.

    I'm taking part in MoFo for the third year running too, I can't believe how fast it's snuck up on me! How is it Autumn already?!

  3. I am sorry to hear about the hernia. At least they know what the issue is now and they can hopefully get it all sorted. And then to be sick on top of having to go to hospital! Blaaah.
    Oh the plus side, the food looks delicious.
    Those waffle caramel cookies have recently become available here. They are quite nice. I like that they are not super sweet.

  4. Argh, that sounds awful - hope all the nastiness at leads to some sort of resolution and proper cure. Can't think of anything more right to eat for it than superfood porridge and a Sunday roast - food for body and for soul!

    I've signed up for Mofo too!


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