Leftover Mincemeat?

Do you have any left over mincemeat that needs using up? I made mince pies with some fab Duerrs Mince meat with dark chocolate that I found in B and M Bargains. There was about a third of the jar left over though and I was pleased to find that it was exactly the amount needed for this Vegetarian Society recipe for mincemeat muffins. The resulting muffins were lovely and light.

Aren't these paper cases great? They were a birthday present and are from Lakeland.


  1. They are very swish indeed! I can't stand mincemeat, but hubby is keen, Sara has made some just for him this year which is nice.

  2. I love mincemeat, and to my shame have never thought to put it in muffins. They look great! Give me a cup of tea and a couple of these and I'd be happy as anything.

  3. This is such a good idea!! I have loads of mincemeat leftover and I can't face baking another batch of mince pies.


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