Merry Christmas

I hope everyone reading is ok. I know Christmas isn't the easiest time of the year for lots of people for lots of different reasons. It was ten years ago last week that my dad died and to be honest Christmas has never really felt the same since then. I do try to get into the spirit of things though. 

The nativity scene is in it's traditional spot on my bar.

My old childhood toys have come out of their basket for a visit.

This family of Father Christmas's hang out in the window.

The Christmas tea cosy is on the tea pot.

As usual I've bought a little real tree from the Christmas market in Albert Square.

My ornaments have been collected over the years. Some are from travels and lots are made by friends. There's a bit of a food theme going on too.

Santa banana is joined by Santa Carrot and Santa Hotdog.

And to crown the tree, what better than an asparagus tip!


  1. Oh hon, I can only imagine how hard it must be at times having lost someone so loved. Your decorations are lovely and heartwarming, what a fab tree too. Hope you and Matt have a most festive time and enjoy all the pleasures that Vegan food brings us this time of year too. Have a few virtual hugs until I see you next *hugs xxx

  2. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Bring you Good wishes of happiness.

    Sorry for greeting you earlier,, just don't want miss saying this.
    By the way, I'm Clotee. It's my first time visiting your blog. I am blogger

    too, and now try my best luck to open an e-store. Nice to know you.



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