School Night Partying
Had friends round for a sedate mid week meal last night which turned into a mini wine tasting and ahem a bedtime of after 2am! I had a late start and a training course today and have bizarrely felt non the worse. I forgot to take pics of the main but it was my favourite BBQ tofu from Get it Ripe. Dessert was pear and cranberry tart from Vegan with a Vengeance with Oatly cream and a 22 year old bottle of dessert wine.

And talking of school night partying I had an email read out by Steve Lamacq on BBC6 radio earlier in the day when people were sending in tales of going to gigs on school nights as young uns. Growing up in Manchester, I used to go to quite a few. The one I emailed in about was The Cure, The Top tour. I was 15 and when I went to my seat on the front row of the balcony of the Manchester Appollo and there was a projector there. The management gave my friend Shirley and I a free tee-shirt, we were allowed to stand at the front right next to the stage and we got to meet the band afterwards. And, of course we wore the tee-shirts the next day under our school uniforms! Happy memories.
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