Punch drunk

Seeing as how I used to work for a wine merchant, have a keen interest in all things wine and spirit related and a fairly good collection of vintage glassware, it's come to my attention recently that I've hardly got any wine glasses. I went to a friend's for dinner last week and was presented with a whole cupboard full of fantastic wine glasses and asked to choose which one I'd like to drink out of which was a real treat.

This weekend I went over to stay with Jude and Paul in St Anne's which always means good charity shopping. Jude picked me up from Kirkham and we had a mooch around and the charity shops there. I came across these beauties which are handmade and etched and cost £5 for four of them. The bottles on the bar in the background are full sized Pisco brandy bottles from Peru and Chile, which gives you an idea of the size of the glasses. As I live in a one bedroom flat, I often try to combine uses for things to save on storage space. I can see these glasses getting used for wine, beer and now that the summer is here I think I'll be exploring some new recipes for punch.


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