Every Monday another example of 'stealth' veganising outreach work takes place in a UK Public House. The pub in question is the lovely Lass O'Gowrie just down the side of the BBC building. Martin the Mod whose veggie kitchen is otherwise to be found Monday-Saturday lunchtimes at the Seven Oaks pub in China Town takes over the kitchen on the first evening of the week from 4-8pm. There's a choice of 6 dishes (all vegan) and you can select 3 options with rice for a bargain £4.50. And, if you've never had Mod's food I call tell you these are BIG value portions!

And after he's finished feeding everyone Mod who is also a brilliant DJ gets on the decks and spins classic blues, soul and ska. Who says Monday's are rubbish! This is turning into a regular Manchester party night! And with close proximity to the Beeb you never know who may bump into. Apparently the pub's a favourite of Johnny Vegas when he's filming there.
I love that a pub does vegan food, I've never seen that happen around here!