Best Pizza To Date!

I'm still on a mission to create the perfect homemade pizza and I think I'm there with the base and almost there with the sauce. We're still experimenting with various vegan shop bought and home made cheeses.

I've been using my pizza stone and heating it for 10 minutes before I put the pizza on it. This weekend I made pizza twice and got the thinnest, crispiest base ever. The dough recipe was the Easy Peasy dough recipe from Julie Hasson's Vegan Pizza book. I used 00 flour and Sweet Freedom for the sweetener. This dough could not be easier. You just mix the ingredients, cover with cling film and leave it for a few hours. There is no kneading involved! You can even throw it together in the morning and leave it in the fridge all day to roll out when you get home from work. That's my kind of fast food and this works out way cheaper (and tastier) than a homemade pizza.

I also made a batch of coconut bacon from the recipe on the Fettle vegan blog. I made half the recipe and it still made a jar full. We enjoyed it over gnocchi with a roast veg and pesto, tomato based sauce and I pressed some into the Vegusto No Moo Melty when the pizza came out of the oven. Perfect Bank Holiday comfort food.


  1. I loooove that coconut bacon! I always half the recipe too and it makes loads. Have you made a BLT with it yet? So yummy with loads of mayo. Your pizza looks spot on too, I'm still searching for the perfect recipe / technique so I guess I'm going to have to come & visit and eat yours for research!

  2. Ooh yes, a BLT would be great maybe with some avocado for good measure!

  3. Anything that doesn't involve kneading makes me very happy indeed. I've managed to find a knead free sourdough, which is pretty cool. Will have to try out that coconut bacon recipe too!

  4. I once got some daiya cheese from usa and that worked a treat on pizza but nowadays I use a green sauce to lock the veggies into the base when it is cooked.


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