Vegan Mofo 2016 Day 15 Mulitcolour Meal - Donut time!

If you've been reading up to now you'll know that as well as following the prompts I'm trying to do a breakfast theme which also features fruit and nuts in some way!

Fairly recently I had a great charity shop score of a brand new 12 hole mini donut pan for £2. I am a massive fan of Erin McKenna's books Babycakes and Babycakes Covers The Classics. After trying donuts from the Babycakes Bakery in New York City many years ago I was so pleased to see donut recipes when I got the second book a few years ago but until now have not had the right equipment. On my first go I made the classic cinnamon sugar dusted donuts as pictured above. These were delicious and I can report that they froze well too.

For my second attempt I made these for a visit from my niece and nephew and went the multi coloured decorating route. They loved these and asked for seconds. Yep, that's 6 year olds asking for seconds of vegan, gluten free baked goods, love it!

And the fruit or nut element of this breakfast treat? Well, like most of Erin's recipes these contain some apple sauce. Here is a link to the recipe if anyone fancies a go. I can see many more baked donuts in my future and look forward to experimenting with different flavours. What sort of donuts do you like?


  1. Those are so cute! I love baked doughnuts.

  2. Very cute! :) I keep meaning to get myself a donut pan!

    1. Definitely worth buying one. There are lots of vegan donut recipes on the web.

  3. I love the kids' version! I also like how you've linked this to fruit. And "doNUT", it's clearly in the name anyway!

  4. Ooh, yes! I'll have to try this recipe. I had the BEST vegan gluten-free doughnuts this weekend from Vegan Vee Bakery in Nashville. I wonder how these Babycakes one would compare. Sadly, I found a copy of that Babycakes book in a thrift store this weekend for $2 and I didn't buy it (because I have WAY TOO MANY cookbooks and I don't bake all that often). Looks like I should have.

    1. I love them. I made some non GF ones recently and I liked these better.

  5. So cute and colourful!
    I am a big baked doughnut fan when I make them at home, deep frying scares me!

    1. Yes, me too on the deep frying! Baked all the way :)

  6. You know you're doing well if you've got kids demanding more! To be fair, I know where they're coming from!

  7. I need to make me some doughnuts they are becoming so popular in this part of Wales recently due to Halloween and the appealing decour. Interesting that they freeze, did you freeze them with the topping or without

    1. Hi Shaheen, I just froze the ones without the icing.


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