Vegan Mofo Day 23 - Roasted Apples and Applesauce

The prompt for today is Autumn traditions. For me that would be roasting apples to use in recipes throughout the winter. I am lucky in that for the past few years I've had people give me organic homegrown apples. I use the recipe from Babycakes to prepare them.

Roasted apples - From Babycakes by Erin McKenna

2lb apples peeled, cored and diced into 1 inch cubes
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
1/2 cup of agave nectar or Sweet Freedom
1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice

Mix everything together and spread on a baking sheet covered with greaseproof paper and bake for 35 minutes.

Once baked I like to keep some of the apples as chunks. There's a tealoaf and a muffin recipe in the book that uses them like this.

The rest I blend up with a little more sweetener and some hot water to make applesauce. Most of the Babycakes recipes use applesauce so I tend to bag them up into various cup sizes ready to grab from the freezer when I need them. I've come to love doing this as a Sunday afternoon Autumn tradition and the house smells amazing. Who needs scented candles when you can have the aroma of roasted apples and cinnamon!


  1. I have never roasted apples in my life! The few times I've made applesauce I've just stewed them. I can only imagine how much better they are roasted, and the smell? I'll be trying this for sure!!

    1. They do smell so amazing. The roasted apples are nice stirred into porridge too!

  2. Ooh, I've never tried roasting apples. Sometimes, I'll cook them down with a little sugar, cinnamon, and Earth Balance for waffle toppings. But roasting sounds so good!

  3. Your house would smell amazing!

  4. That sounds like a great fall tradition; I'll have to try roasting apples sometime & add them to my oatmeal! :D

  5. We are lucky! I've been bestowed some foraged organic cooking apples too by my neighbour and have made crumble. I'd roast them, but they completely collapse to sweet mushiness that i think they would be perfect as apple sauce.

  6. I like cooking down spare apples into a sort of compote with cinnamon and using it for porridge. How cool to have a glut like that!


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