Vegan Mofo Day 1 - Baked Oatmeal

So, here we go. This is my 7th year of doing Vegan Mofo!!! I've approached it in different ways over the years with no themes, weekly themes, month long themes and this year I'm going to be ambitious (or stupid!) and try a theme within a theme within a theme. Welcome to my Vegan Month of Food where I will endeavour the follow the daily prompts whilst talking about breakfast dishes where said breakfast dishes feature fruit and/ or nuts.

Kicking off with the theme of favourite food I'd thought I'd talk about my current favourite breakfast dish which is baked oatmeal. It takes more time than porridge so it tends to be reserved for days off or weekends but I think that makes it feel a little bit more special.

I actually discovered this way of cooking oats from the first  Deliciously Ella book so thank you Ella. Basically you soak a portion of oats in some plant milk for ten minutes whilst the oven is heating. Next you stir in some fruit (a grated apple or thinly sliced banana are good as are some berries), a spoonful of nut butter, a couple of chopped dates, a tablespoon of sweetner of your choice etc. Basically you can mess around with adding fruit and nuts of your choice and it always comes out great. Then pop it in the oven for 20 minutes whilst you go and have a shower and get dressed and then come back down to a delicious breakfast.

If I have any I like to serve it with a tablespoon of yoghurt (coconut yoghurt is especially good) and maybe another drizzle of sweetener. For recipes and oven temperatures etc then check out here and here. There's something about the texture that reminds me of bread and butter pudding and that reminds me of good memories of the ones my dad made when I was a kid. Have you tried baked oatmeal? What would you add to it?


  1. I have never had baked oatmeal but it sounds delicious. I will be trying this for sure. I think I'll add mixed berries and brown sugar!

  2. Great theme, breakfast is the best! I'm also a huge fan of baked oatmeal. Because I like to eat as soon as I wake up, I always mix everything up and soak it in the fridge overnight, then just pop it in the oven straight away when I get up.

  3. Fun theme! I've never made baked oatmeal before, but it looks great!

  4. A theme within a theme within a theme is super ambitions -I love it! I'm yet to find a way of eating oats that I enjoy but I'll be sure to try this now that I have an oven again.

  5. I like your triple inception theme idea!
    I don't think I have ever had baked oatmeal, though I certainly have recipes for it. I must try it.

  6. I've never made baked oatmeal before, but I always think about it when Xmas morning comes (my family likes doing a big brunch) but I end up making scrambled tofu instead.


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