Isa Dinners

As I've been living without most of my cookbooks bar three by Isa Chandra Moskowitz, her recipes have been featuring widely on the dinner table recently. This one is an old favourite that we had for the last Bank Holiday weekend. It's not the most photogenic of meals but it tastes amazing. The green stuff is Cavolo Nero and the orange stuff is mashed sweet potato with apple from Appetite For Reduction. This is topped by tofu baked in BBQ Pomegranate sauce from Vegan With A Vengeance. This sauce has been nicknamed Elvis BBQ sauce after the generous amounts of Peanut Butter it contains!

This was an previously untried recipe from Appetite For Reduction that Matt whipped up on a day off. The 'meatballs' are made from tempeh and beans and baked in the oven.

They were served in a classic home made tomato sauce with broccoli and lots of nooch. They were lovely, really nutty tasting.


  1. I still haven't made those meatballs! I think it's a combination of laziness and really liking the VBites meatballs but I need to get on it next time I have some tempeh.

  2. I think I've made something similar to those meatballs before, from 1,000 vegan recipes - they were the things that convinced me that tempeh wasn't terrifying!


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