Vegan Mofo Day 4 - Tell Us About A Weird Food Combo You Love

Kale, lovely kale. Green and bursting with goodness. The epitome of clean eating foodstuffs. What do you pair your's with? In my household we like it with some of this!

Yep, that's right. It's the instant noodle snack that was even marketed a few years back as a 'dirty' food nudging up to clean Queen Kale- the Pot Noodle. Surprisingly several of their flavours are suitable for vegans.


  1. Love it! I guess this makes the pot noodle healthy now? Right?

    1. Ha, definitely ;) although one poured over chips is good too!

  2. I don't think that's weird at all! Sounds right up my alley! LOL :) Happy Vegan Mofo! I'm over at if you want to swing by!

  3. excellent. Sometimes I feel like a giant mound of steamed kale makes moral amends for pretty much anything else I eat... like instant noodles, for example!

  4. Kale makes everything a super food. ;)


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