Vegan Mofo Day 18 - Honor a human or non human animal who inspires your veganism.

For me the internet was a big part of becoming vegan. Around 11 years ago I was having some hormone related problems. I had a surgery that didn't help and my doctors basically told me I'd have to live with the constant bleeding and lower back pain. Great ! I turned to the internet and started to read about how making changes to my diet could help re-balance my hormones and maybe straighten me out. I gradually started to tweak items in my diet such as eating more tofu and beans and less dairy and meat. I've always been really conscious about trying to have a balanced diet so I did loads of reading and enjoyed exploring new foods and finding new recipes. Within a year my problems had disappeared and after an incident on holiday in Peru where I had to sit opposite someone eating a guinea pig something just clicked in my brain. I looked down at my plate of fish and decided that was it, I was going vegan. Nine years later I still feel it was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I want to honour in this post the people who I found in those early days of trawling the internet who inspired me so much. In no particular order they are:

No strangers to anyone Isa Chandra Moskovitz and Terry Hope Romero are now prolific cookery book authors. They've come a long way since those Post Punk Kitchen tv shows. These are the ladies who taught me how to make sushi and cupcakes.

Next up are the Canadians.

Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard showed me that vegans have great style and I loved their accessible cookery books.

Books by fellow Canadian Dreena Burton furthered expanded my cooking and baking repertoire.

The first vegan blog that I really fell in love with was Urban Vegan the blog of Dynise Balcavage. It remained a favourite right up until she stopped blogging last year and was probably the blog that inspired me to start my own.

And representing the Brits is Shazzie the pionering Raw Fooder who's Detox Your World books and food line were my first introduction to the wonderful world of raw.

So, there you are - The Super Seven. Seven fabulous inspiring women, true individuals, who I would like to thank for helping me on my vegan path.


  1. that's a great roundup-- I'm really big on baketivism and it's a great form of advocacy IMO. All the people you've featured have played a big part in that too!

  2. I love your super seven! Veganimicon is one of my favorite vegan cookbooks of all time! I'll have to look up more about Shazzie. I loved today's prompt!

  3. Excellent examples of awesome vwgans. Rock on!

  4. Excellent examples of awesome vwgans. Rock on!

  5. Yay Canada! Glad to hear you were able to take care of your own recovery. I can't believe the size of that beet!

  6. What a nice post - yes those folks who write so many great cookbooks are heros of mine for sure. My vegan experience would be a lot more bland without them!

  7. So cool you mentioned Dynise Balcavage, I've always wondered how popular she was. My brother in law got me her Pie book and was like "yeah, I like work with this girl, she seems pretty cool" All I've made from it so far though is her peanut butter fluffernutter pie though. XD And I made it cookiebutter and fluffernutter pie.


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