Ten reasons why vegans should visit Manchester's Northern Quarter



I've been making the case why I think Manchester's Northern Quarter is one of the UK's best vegan destinations. I've finished my 20 Vegan Mofo posts and there's even more places with vegan offers that I've not managed to fit in! So, here's a shout out to places I've blogged about before - Earth Cafe, Oklahoma, Simple and Odd who are all well worth a visit too if you're in the area. To finish up Vegan Mofo 2013 here are my top ten reasons why the NQ is amazing for vegans.

10. Soya milk is everywhere
Loads of cafes in the Northern Quarter have soya milk so no matter where you are you can pop in for a brew. Or treat yourself to an incredibly good soya latte at places like Eastern Bloc or Icelandic coffee shop Taak.

9. Fab fast food
Even the dreaded fast food places are vegan friendly! Get a mexican treat at Barburrito or Panchos or visit the 100% vegan Go Falafel. And every knows chips are better up North.

8. Arts and crafts
It's not all about food you know! The Northern Quarter has a Vibrant arts scene. You'll find vegan musicians, artists and poets. There are great galleries and music venues. It's a haven for crafts, art and design. There are music and food festivals (including in 2012 the Northern Vegan festvial) and the craft centres, galleries and record shops have cafes that will welcome vegan culture vultures.

7. Cheap Curry Cafes
Indian food that is cheap and friendly to vegans. Say farewell to buttery ghee and creamy sauces and say hello to tasty spicy curries. These cafes are part of NQs charm and cheap as chips.

6. NQ is best but so is the rest
The Northern Quarter is just one tiny district in a bigger city. Step outside and Manchester can offer up legends like Mod's veggie/vegan cafe, high end veggie restaurants like 1847 and Greens, fabulous Middle Eastern food, Jewish deli's and Chinese supermarkets where you can buy 10 different kinds of tofu and stock up on vegan prawns! We even have a 100% vegan supermarket in the Unicorn Grocery.

5. Raise a glass
We've a long way to go with the labelling of vegan booze. Most places aren't doing it yet but in the NQ you'll find some who are leading the way. Try a vegan wine at Bakerie, use Barnivore to search out vegan beer from around the world at Beermoth and Port Street Beerhouse or try a locally brewed vegan beer from Marble Brewery at 57 Thomas Street.

4. It's radical and revolutionary Manchester!
The NQ is in a world heritage site within the city that brought you socialism, co-operatives and feminism. Manchester was the birthplace of the industrial revolution and led the way for votes, democracy and political change. Visit the People's History Museum or the Working Class Movement Library. Manchester was also critical in the development of modern computing and the world wide web, so Vegan Mofo wouldn't be happening without it!

3. Great places to eat with your non-vegan friends
Do your meaty mates refuse to eat vegan? Fear not because the NQ is full of brilliant mainstream restaurants that also quietly cater for vegans. Step forward Dough, Bakerie, Pie and Ale, Kosmonaut and Ning.

2. NQ = Cake Central
Sod the diet because Manchester's NQ is full of sweet treats. There's cheesecakes from Earth, baked goods from Fig and Sparrow, chocolate cake at the Craft Centre, hot chocolate at Bonbon or the beautiful creations of Lily and Dilly. And if you bake your own then you join the Cake Liberation Front!

1. V Revolution!
If you only need one reason to visit the Northern Quarter then make it this cafe and vegan lifestyle store. Sit back in the fifites style diner and indulge your fast food fantasies with a towering burger, juicy hot dog or a coke float. Join the V Revolution. It's all vegan and it's all gorgeous.


  1. I'm moving to Manchester next month, and your posts about the Northern Quarter have filled me with excitement - I can't wait to start exploring all these amazing eateries! At the moment I'm vegetarian, but I eat about a 75% vegan diet and am hoping to increase that/go all the way next year. I feel like Manchester could be an ideal place to do it!

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  3. Hi Herbivores Heaven, Aw, you'll love it here. And there's lots of friendy vegan meet up groups that you don't have to be vegan to come to, just eat vegan whilst you're there - Manchester Vegan Pot Luck, Manchester Vegan Society and the one I run Cake Liberation Front (www.cakeliberationfront.com) Hope to meet you sometime! Oh and there's also a Manchester Vegan Fair on Nov 2nd details on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ManchesterVeganFair?fref=ts

  4. Thanks for the tips, I'm definitely keen to join some groups and meet people! I'm hoping to get to the Vegan Fair if I'm not too jet-lagged.

  5. You're really making me wish I wasn't quite so far from Manchester at the moment!

    Congrats on completing the month - I've really enjoyed reading your posts!

  6. I've really enjoyed the Northern Quarter tour! Can't wait to get back to Manchester armed with all your recommendations for some cake and beer!

  7. Thanks for all your NQ posts, loved them. Ive since visited Pie and Ale for the first time - oh my god! So good. Thanks again.

  8. Thanks for the virtual tour, your city and especially the NQ is at the top of my list for places to visit. I think you also have a vegan fair in Manchester sometime soon so it may have to be a weekend visit, looking forward to it already! Any chance of that map so I don't miss out on ANYTHING ha ha ha ha :)

  9. Thanks for a month of great posts (although I still think yadgars dahl is best!!). I am excited by that hot chocolate, been meaning to go to bonbons for ages but always get distracted. Am very very sad to say Ginger Marble (previously my favourite beer in the world) has changed recipe and they no longer say it is vegan. am hoping this is a terrible mistake and fixed soon. Also I guess you have this sorted by now but if not happy to show how to put locations on a bespoke online map. See you soon, love M xx

    PS if you havent been yet the teatime collective in hulme is full of delicousness. Walkable from my house too if you fancy a trip

  10. I love the Northern Quarter so much! I spent almost every day of my Manchester trip scoping out the area and it was so much fun. I can't wait to come back!

  11. NQ is pretty poor really, there's only a couple of places and a lot of the points you make in this article are unrelated.

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