Beth Bee Books

I got the basic idea for yesterday's recipe post from the Almond White cake recipe in this fab little cookery book by Beth Bee called the Rabbit food Cookbook. Beth Bee is a vegan artist from Oregon, USA and her books are beautifully made with wire binding, pen and ink block illustrations, hand silk screened covers and die cut card dividers for the different recipe sections.

Beth also makes blank books for you to write your own recipes in and card file address books. You can buy her stuff from Etsy. I have the address book with the cover featured above which I love. I lived in America for a year, in upstate New York, when I was 21 as an exchange student. When I first arrived there was a six week postal strike so letters where not the first thing on my mind but I remember wondering where you were supposed to post stuff. I didn't realise that these metal blue things were for mail, they looked so different to English post boxes!
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