VIVA Roadshow
Tonight the VIVA Roadshow hit town. I went along after work and it was good to catch up with folks I haven't seen for a while. Lynnmarie from MVS was on the merchandising stall and nudged me towards some bargains in the form of £1 short dated bars of Organica rum and raisin chocolate and boxes of Montezumas bunnies which will go towards refuelling the tuck drawer at work!

There was a talk on Veganism and the environment by Tony Wardle one of the directors of VIVA. This was followed by a cookery demo by Heather Mills. Heather owns Redwood Foods and created dishes using Redwoods products. We got to sample beefy potato curry, sausage and choritzo stew and chicken style cacciatore. She talked about lots of different issues whilst doing this and took questions from the floor. She gets lots of bad press but there is no doubt that she is extremely committed to her charity work and I found what she had to say inspiring. Let's hope her vision of one day having vegan fast food joints like her V Bites restaurant on the High Street comes true!
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