Vegan Tuck Drawwer
When I first became vegan I got into the habit of always carrying snacks around in my bag particularly when on holiday. That way if I was hanging out in a cafe with friends and they were tucking into non vegan cakes I wouldn't feel deprived as I had a flapjack or bar of Maya Gold on me. I don't tend to do this as much any more, but I do seem to have ended up with half of my desk drawer becoming the Vegan Tuck drawer! A couple of times a week around 3pm the contents go round my table. Colleagues have even started adding to it which is lovely. Discount shops are a good place to pick up stuff. Here's what's been in there recently.

Nakd lemon flavour raisins - 10p a bag from B&M Bargains.
Mini pretzels, Worcestershire Sauce Flavour (yes, no anchovies!) by Penn State. 8 bags for about 60p from B&M Bargains
Gillian McKeith Organic Red Miso Instant Soup. 19p for 6 sachets from Quality Save/Home Bargains.
Humdingers 12 pack of mini boxes of raisins, apple, apricots etc. Around 60p from B&M Bargains.
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