Boozy Shepherds Pie

Hello and welcome to the week of mash! Whilst I've had people make me gorgeous veggie Shepherds Pie with beans or lentils when it comes to making it myself I'm a mince girl all the way. And for some reason I can't seem to cook veggie mince without putting red wine in it.

Here's the way I make Shepherds Pie
Serves 4

1 large onion chopped small
2 cloves of crushed garlic
1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 carrots diced small
1 carton or tin of chopped organic tomatoes
1 teaspoon of mixed herbs
1 teaspoon of yeast extract
1 teaspoon of veggie Worcestershire sauce or Hendersons Relish
1 tablespoon of tomato puree
1 cup of red wine
454g bag of frozen veggie mince
1 cup of frozen peas
4 large potatoes
heaped tablespoon of vitalite margarine
unsweetened soya milk
2 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
salt and pepper

Heat the oil and cook the onions, garlic and carrots in the olive oil until soft. Next add everything down to and including the veggie mince and simmer for 20 minutes. At this point pre-heat the oven to 200c / 400f / Gas Mark 6.

In the meantime boil the potatoes and the peas to the mince mixture 15 mins into cooking it.
When the potatoes are cooked mash them with the vitalite, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast and enough soya milk to get the required consistency. I like to get my electric beaters on the mash as well as a manual masher to get it nice and smooth.

Put the mince mixture in the bottom of an ovenproof dish and top with the mashed potato. Score the top of the potato with a fork and pop into the oven for 20 minutes.


  1. Putting booze in is the right and just thing to do - looks great!

  2. Yes! Mash week! I'm also a mince all the way kinda girl when it comes to Shepherds Pie.

  3. Look at all that mash, yum yum yum!


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