Sweet Potato Mash

I am a massive sweet potato fan but I must admit I usually have them roasted or as fries or wedges. This idea for a sweet potato mash is great though and comes from The Great American Detox Diet. This is the book that chef Alex Jamieson wrote that contains the recipes for the food she made for boyfriend Morgan Spurlock after his MacDonalds Supersize Me expereince.

The sweet potatoes are boiled and then get a mashing with some flax oil and maple syrup. I served them with veggie sausages, caramelised onion gravy and topped with toasted almonds.


  1. It's weird I really only like sweet potato as a fry or a wedge. I've never tried them mashed though so I'll have to give them a try.

  2. I hadn't heard of that book, but maybe I'll check it out. I'm still trying to make sense of cleanses and detoxes and things.

    I love mashed sweet potatoes with garlic, oil, and nooch. It's so good!

  3. I am a complete phobic of sweet potatoes, but I'm going to try this and hope to be converted!

  4. I mash my sweet potatoes with fresh ginger. It's to die for!

  5. Ooh I love ginger, will have to try that Cara and your suggestion Candybeans. I put nooch in ordinary potato, I'd not thought of putting it with sweet.


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